Saturday, March 29, 2008

Spring Break!

Waiting for the Easter Egg Hunt Our new church duds
We love to bowl!!

Well, hello to you all again. Although we didn't plan on doing anything really exciting for spring break, this week was full and a lot of fun. We went bowling with grandma and the uncles. Only once were we scared that Alex's bowling ball would not make it down the lane, but after about 3 minute it did.
We went to the rodeo, which turned out to be really gruesome. We saw a horse get kicked in the leg by another horse and two bull riders get kicked, one of them in the face, by the bull. It was rough, but all in all a good time. The boys seemed to really like it, especially when we went to get snacks!
Then, of course, Easter. The kids went to an egg hunt in town, and then got a basket with candy (which was gone by Sunday night) and some new church clothes. We ate ham and rolls and potatoes, all the traditional Easter stuff, and had a great day.
The rest of the week has been pretty much playing with friends and hanging around. Kylan has quite a few neighborhood friends, and I got a taste of what summer is going to be like. I am going to have to make sure we have a lot of snacks on hand. We had a few extra kids here every afternoon. Well, that about sums up our spring break. I hope all of you, well those of you who get the luxury of a spring break, had a great one too. Talk to you soon! Shana

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