Saturday, April 5, 2008

Who thought up spring soccer?

Kylan awaiting the start of the game
Kylan and a blanket battling the wind
Alex takes a fall for the team
Do you know where you're going buddy?
Anna Jo and the really bad hair day!

Well, hello there to everyone. We started spring soccer this past week, although it should be called freeze your tail end off soccer. It is so cold out there! Alex had his first game last weekend, it was a bust. There were only three on his team that were willing to play and one on the other team. Alex was all over it though, through the wind and blistering cold, and has been counting down the days until today so he could have another game. It was not as cold this week, but it was still pretty miserable. Alex was happy though. At the end of the game, he asked if the game was over and was sad he hadn't scored a goal. We let him kick the ball in the net once, and he was good to go after that. Kylan did very well. This was his first game. He scored two goals while I was there and then one or two after I left (I am co-coaching Alex's team, so I had to leave early for his game). Both of the boys did so well and we are very proud of their good attitudes and sportsmanship. Anna Jo had a good time pretending to drive the car while we were at the games. Maybe next week it will be nice so she can get out and run around. Rowdy's church basketball team gets to play in the championship game this week. He also got to watch the beginnings of a police car chase that went from Fort Hall all the way to Idaho Falls, as he was coming home from work the other night. That was pretty exciting. Anyhow, that is about it from us this week, just patiently waiting for warm weather to arrive! Have a great week! Shana


Jessica Y. said...

I love that the first soccer game comes with hats and gloves and they look cold! Isn't that a "spring" sport?

Jeremy said...

My nephews and niece are so stinking adorable!!